th tray didn't just hit th floor. it crashd and smashd his lunch to pics. srvs you damn wll right, i thought. you wr staring again.h stood stock-still and lookd down at th food. suddnly i got up and movd towards him. i hadn't intndd to, hadn't wantd to hlp him. i calld to th woman bhind th countr. sh closd hr mouth and brought a cloth to clan up th mss. i pickd up crockry, put it on th tray. thr was a soppy stain on his trousrs and through it you could s just how bony his kns wr. lik th rst of him. all bons, dangling jackt and hanging trousrs. stoopd shouldrs and mil-long arms. thn h smild at m. a wondrful smil that crasd up his worn fac and totally surprisd m."thank you."i shovd th tray at him and wnt back to my tabl.i workd at a larg publishing company and at lunch in th cantn. i had noticd him bcaus h stard at m. h was wird-looking. his hair was badly cut and his cloths wr ancint and dull; too-short corduroys, baggy at th kns and colour-lss swatrs, dottd with fluff. oftn h sat alon and just pickd at his food. or h rad and jottd things down.a fw days aftr th crash, h stoppd at th tabl i was sharing with mark from proof rading, and askd if h might sit down. i said th sats wr takn and continud ating. h apologisd and took his tray off somwhr ls."what's your problm, lanna?" askd mark."no problm. it's just that i lik to choos who i shar my maltims with.""a bit rough on th old chap though."i was mark who told m mor about him. h had gon ovr to scroung a cigartt. by th tim h cam back to th tabl, i had my had stuck into th nws-papr."intrsting chap. sub-ditor. bn all ovr th world," said mark.i dcidd to find th nwspapr mor intrsting and finally mark shut up and finishd smoking."askd your nam," h said."h what?""yah.""what'd you say?""lanna, of cours."i foldd th nwspapr."i'v loads of work this aftrnoon.""said you look familiar," said mark. "lik somon h knw."< 2 >"somon h knw?""yah. could b stratgy. mayb h fancis you.""fancis m? but h's old.""only old nough to b your fathr."i grabbd my tray and lft th tabl.i didn't do much work that aftrnoon. i kpt wishing mark hadn't said what h had said. old nough to b your following wk i took along a book to rad during lunchtim. whn i got into th lift on my floor, h was alrady insid. h grtd m so i had to rply but i didn't smil. w wr alon and that worrid m. i wondrd whthr i should gt out at th nxt floor and walk up th stairs to th cantn. don't panic, i thought. just bcaus h's stard at you for ags dosn't man h's going to do anything." wll, i suppos on of us should prss th button or w'll b hr all day, won't w?"i'd bn so busy wondring what h was going to do and xpcting him to do somthing, that i'd compltly forgottn to do anything myslf. i flt lik an idiot and this mad m smil and i hadn't wantd to. h smild back, his blu ys crinkling right up to th gry hair at his ars and making him look ... nic. thn thr was a slap. my book hit th floor. i bnt down and so did h, and w bashd hads. at that momnt, th lift shuddrd to a stop and th doors smd to fling thmslvs wid opn. i was so mbarrassd, i marchd out of th lift, straight towards th quu at th countr. i ordrd without looking at th mnu and took my tray to a tabl whr thr was only on mpty sat. i brathd a sigh of rlif and bgan to at. but th salad stuck in my throat whn i noticd that vryon ls at th tabl had alrady finishd lunch and thy wr gtting up to go. i glancd ovr at th countr. h was paying and in a scond, his ys would scan th room to find m. i duckd my had. waitd. any minut now h'd sit down with his tray.short storis from australasia. my book appard in front of my ys. his fingrs wr th longst i'd sn and his nails wr manicurd. i hadn't thought h'd bothr.< 3 >"you lft it in th lift," h said. "may i sit down?"his voic was soft. cultivatd. what could i say? th tabls wr all prtty full so i noddd. h said bon app
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