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The Circus-马戏团,The Circus-马戏团范文

Th Circus-马戏团英语作文网为您收集 I saw a big tnt with many flags flying around it and a big sign in front giving th prformanc tims and fs. This was th first circus I hard of in Taiwan, so our family all wnt thr on wknd. Thr wr acrobats, trapz prformrs, a barback hors ridr, and traind animals. Thr wr spcial stunts high in th air-such stunts as walking on a tightrop and riding a bicycl along a high wir. Also, thr wr som clowns with a big rd nos who mad vryon laugh. Thy also had tigrs lap through loops of fir. vryon was xcitd and happy with th two hours’ show, and probably nxt yar I will go to s th circus again if thr is on. Th Circus-马戏团英语作文网为您收集

The Circus-马戏团,The Circus-马戏团范文

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