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校园食堂的服务(The Canteen Service on Campus)

dar prsidnt,i am li ming, a scond yar studnt in th ducation dpartmnt of ouf univrsity. i'm writing to inform you of th tru conditions of our cantn srvic.i don't know how to bgin my account bcaus th srvic is rally bad. plas rad my lttr patintly and do somthing about it. w would b gratful for whatvr you do for us studnts.firstly, th quality of th food is bad. for instanc, th ric is too hard. what's mor, som dishs ar not frsh somtims. as a mattr of fact, th poor food has alrady causd som stomach problms among th studnts.scondly, th srvic is not good nough. som staff mmbrs giv us short masur whn thy ar in a bad mood. now and thn thy bhav lik robbrs, robbing you of your apptit. worst of alit thy nvr smil.thirdly, th pric is too high. a small cak mad from ric and dats cost as much as 0.6 yuan! it will cost us a good 6 yuan to fill our stomach with such caks. aftr all w ar poor studnts.i wish my opinion would call your attntion to th cantn srvic on campus. w ar badly in nd of your hlp.looking forward to an arly rply.

校园食堂的服务(The Canteen Service on Campus)


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