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保护大熊猫(Protect Panda)

th giant panda is known as th national trasur of china. th panda was a kind of ordinary animal in china long ago. howvr, for som rasons, too many of thm hav bn killd. so th numbr of thm is falling quickly.at prsnt popl ar taking an important masur to sav pandas. popl want to find a hom for thm, and rcntly, thy hav st up a natur park for thm in sichuan provinc,which is calld "pandas' hom. "thr pandas can njoy thir lif happily. thr is a bamboo forst nar th pandas' hom. so th pandas can find bamboos asily which thy lik to at vry much.bcaus pandas ar wll protctd now, th numbr of thm is incrasing vry yar. w hop that on day w will hav nough pandas to st thm fr and lt thm liv in th wild again.pandas ar good frinds of man. man should try to protct thm and ]t thm liv in th way thy lik!

保护大熊猫(Protect Panda)

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