Th Rac Btwn Har and Tortois
On day, a har and a tortois dcidd to hav a rac to s who was fastr than th othr. Thy agrd that th on who first got to th big tr in th distanc was th winnr. So thy startd at th sam tim.
Th har thought, "My lgs av much longr than th tortois's, I'm sur to b th winnr.Of cours th tortois was much slowr than th har, but h was nvr discouragd and kpt on moving forward as fast as h could.
As th har ran round a cornr, h found th tortois far bhind him. So th har dcidd to tak a rst undr a tr. Whn h wok up, th tortois had alrady got to th tr and won th rac. Th har was filld with rgrt. (134 words)
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