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in our country, th word "unmploymnt" was sldom hard swral yars ago. but now, mor and mor popl around us hav lost thir jobs. many young popl, including lots of collg graduats, ar fird or hav to stay at hom. obviously, unmploymnt is bcoming a srious social problm.what on arth is th rason for such a situation? on on hand, it is bcaus of th conomic condition. rcntly, our country, has undrgon grat conomic rforms. in ordr to improv th fficincy, many stat-ownd ntrpriss hav to fir a larg numbr of thir mploys. on th othr hand, with th rapid dvlopmnt of scinc and tchnology, mchanical automaton is mor and mor widly usd in th modm production. but th popalation of our country, kps incrasing at th sam tim. many popl want jobs whil factoris nd fwr workrs. unfortunatly, it sms that th contradiction will last for a long priod of tim.it's quit ncssary to solv this problm, bcaus it will strongly influnc th dvlopmnt of our socity. from my point of viw, w shouldn't only stay at hom and wait for a chanc. as long as you hav a strong will, you ar sur to gt succss.



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