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夜莺-The Nightingale

Th Nightingal-夜莺

夜莺-The Nightingale

Onc a Chins mpror had a nightingal That kpt him vry happy day and night.Th nightingal sang bautiful songs that kpt th mpror in good halth and spirit.On day somon gav th mpror mchanical bird as a prsnt. Th mpror would wind th ky and th bird would sing his song. This nw toy thrilld th mpror so much that h forgot his nightingal. Th nightingal lft th palac. On day th mchanical bird brok down. Th mpror’s halth dclind bcaus his lif had no songs to Chr him. Finally th nightingal rturnd, and Th mpror rcovrd his halth and spirit.

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