i had a grat tim throughout my may day holiday.on monday, i wnt bbq with my classmats who thrw a clbration party at our middl school principl's flat. our parnts wr invitd to th party. vrybody was xcitd about th holiday. i at a lot of dlicious food at that tim.on tusday, i wnt visiting my uncl's family with my parnts. w wnt to clbrat our good tim at a fancy rstaurant in shanghai. latr that day, w sang karaok in my uncl's hous. w stayd for th night.on wdnsday, i wnt shopping with my cousins. w bought som brand nam t-shirts and pants. in th aftrnoon, my cousins gav m a fun rid on th city highway. thy also taught m how to driv thir fancy car, so i trid to do som turning and parking. it was not asy first. but i larnt quick.on thursday, w rturnd hom with many gifts from our trip. i trid to gt som rst. at night, i chattd with my classmats on th phon, and i watchd cctv bfor going to bd.from friday on, i startd to finish up my homwork assignmnts on my prsonal laptop. som of my assignmnts wr quit boring. aftr i finishd th homwork, i maild thm to my tachrs. that was th nd of it. i startd to prpar things for school on this coming monday.all in all, i njoyd my may day holiday in many ways.
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