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Is It Th Only Way Out To Go To Collg?


W had a discussion about whthr it is th only way out for snior studnts to go to collg.Viws vary from prson to prson.

Th majority of us considr it vry ncssary to go to collg.Thy think it can widn thir knowldg and improv thir qualitis.Only in this way can thy find bttr jobs aftr graduation.Vry fw studnts,that is about tn prcnt of th studnts think it no us going univrsity, bcaus th tuition is too high for thir family to afford.What's mor, it's rathr hard for collg graduats to sk satisfactory jobs.Thirty prcnt of th studnts, howvr, bliv "All roads lad to Rom." Thrfor it dosn't mak any diffrnc whthr thy go to collg or not.

In my opinion, w can rciv a bttr ducation at collg so that w can srv our mothrland.

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