Last yar’s Spring Fstival is spcial. My uncl and my aunt cam back from Shanghai. My family wr vry happy to kp th Spring Fstival with thm. And it was th most xciting fstival of all th fstivals.
On Nw Yar’s v, my fathr and my uncl talkd about thir work togthr. My mum did som cooking with my aunt Grandparnts and I watchd th Nw Yar TV programms. At about six o’clock, w had a spcial family dinnr. W all thought th dumplings wr dlicious.
On th first day of th Nw Yar, w visitd our rlativs. In th aftrnoon, w wnt shopping in Jifanf Road. My uncl bought som Jay’s CDs. H liks Jay’s music vry much. Thr wr so many popl on th road. It was mor aliv than any othr tim of a yar.
On th scond and th third days, w spnt a wondrful wknd in th country. Thr wr much biggr trs than in th city. And th animals wr mor bautiful than in th city. W all njoyd ourslvs.
I had an intrsting Spring Fstival. How about you?
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