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The bird and cat

Th bird and cat

The bird and cat

Onc upon a tim. thr was a hous. Bsid th hous thr was a bird cag. On day a cat wnt to at th bird, So th cat jumpd and hit th bird cag. th bird cag fll down to th ground knocking th bird cag's door opn. th bird thn flw away. So th cat startd to chas th bird and th dog chasd th cat. Howvr th bird flw on top of th tr. So th cat startd to climb th tr and th dog barkd at th cat. Bfor th cat could rach th bird, th bird flw away. this causd th cat to fall out of th tr. th dog thn ran away, th bird quickly flw back into his cag and th man from th hous carrid him safly hom.


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