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放松自己的好办法(The best way of relaxing yourself)

travling is mor and mor popular in th modrn world .it hlps us opn our ys and larn knowldg diffrdn placs .so i thing travling is hlpful for us.whn w ar fr during th holiday ,w can go to som bautiful placs to rlax ourslvs .w hil w ar in diffrnt placs ,w will hav a wondrful fling in all w s ,thr w can at all kinds of dlicious food ,visit many placs of intrst or somthing ls.on th othr hand ,travling will hlp us larn lots of local culturs ,popl’s livs thr ,somtims you can mak som nw frinds ,it also can mak your lif colorful .to us studnts mw can rlax ourslvs from th busy studying lif ,w can us ths xprincs in our studying.so if you hav tim ,travling is th bst way to rlax yourslf th mor placs you travl,th mar you will larn.

放松自己的好办法(The best way of relaxing yourself)

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