Whn you look at th sky on a clar day, it sms as if th arth is covrd by a blu dom①. Th sky is blu bcaus of what happns to sunlight as it ntrs th arth's atmosphr. Sunlight is mad up of light rays of all lngths. Th longr rays mak up rd light and th shortr rays mak up blu light. As sunlight ntrs th arth's atmosphr, it striks th tiny molculs ② of air and is scattrd③. Th scattrd light is mad up mostly of violt④, blu, a littl grn, and a littl yllow and rd. Th combination of ths colors is sky blu.
Somtims at sunst th sky looks rd. Th sunlight is coming toward you from a lowr angl in th sky. Th lowr th sun, th longr is th path that th light rays must travl through th air. Th shortr blu rays ar scattrd immdiatly whn striking th molculs of air. Th sunlight that you s lacks th blu and violt rays that th air has scattrd. As th sun gts lowr in th sky, th light rays must pass through mor air,and so th longr orang and rd rays also bcom scattrd. At sunst, th shortr blu rays nvr gt through th atmosphr, so you do not s thm.
If you stand at a plac whr th surfac of th arth is flat, th sky sms to mt th arth in any dirction you look. Th point at which th sky and th arth sm to“mt”is calld th horizon. Th horizon is at th sam distanc from you, no mattr in what dirction you look. If you walk toward th horizon, you do not gt closr to it. No mattr whr you ar, th surfac of th arth curvs ⑤ downward and away from you. Th distanc at which you can no longr s th arth's surfac----bcaus it has curvd down too far----is th horizon.
①dom [d+um] n. 圆盖;穹窿
②molcul ['m&likju:l] n. 分子
③scattr ['sk$t+] v. 使消散;使分散
④violt ['vai+lit] n. 紫色;紫罗蓝色
⑤curv [k+:v] v. 成曲形;弯曲
这是一篇科技知识小品式的天象描写文。作者以从上到下的空间顺序安排结构,先写苍穹的蔚蓝,用一个带有明喻“as if”的句型开头,写出天空像一个蓝色的大圆盖,然后以光波长短来分析天空呈蓝色的道理。接着作者写日落时天空呈红色的情景:这时的阳光在天空中以较低的角度射来,太阳越低,光线穿过空气的路程就越长;波长短的蓝色碰撞空气分子后立即散射,因此人们看不见,人们看到的是波长较长的橙色和红色。最后,作者写人们站在平地上极目四望的情景:人们看到的是天地相接处的地平线。这样,作者通过上、中、下三个层面的描写,给人们描绘出了天空呈蓝色、红色以及地平线形成的科学道理。
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