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A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood-童年的快乐回忆

A Plasant Mmory of My Childhood-童年的快乐回忆 A Plasant Mmory of My Childhood

A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood-童年的快乐回忆

I am alrady 18 yars old, but th mmory of my childhood is still lik an unforgttabl swt dram.

On day, all my family wnt to climb a mountain. Thr fathr told my ldr sistr and m that th first on to gt to th top of th mountain would b givn a toy. Haring this, w bgan to run up. At first I kpt ahad, but a fw minuts latr my sistr was ahad of m. Howvr, I didn't giv up. That toy attractd m to run forward, In th nd I rachd th top first.

On th top w njoyd th bautiful scnry and had a picnic. At dusk, w wnt down th mountain happily. I was th happist on, bcaus I not only got a toy train but also knw that on shouldn't giv up radily.





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