一场激动人心的篮球赛(An xciting Basktball Match)thr was a basktball match btwn class 3 and class 4 ystrday aftrnoon. bfor th match, all th studnts thought class 3 would win th match bcaus som good playrs wr in th class.th match bgan, and all th playrs playd vry wll.othr studnts watchd and shoutd for thir tams. it was an xciting match.whn th first half of th match ndd, class 4 fll bhind class 3. th playrs in class 4 trid thir bst to catch up with thm in th scond half. with th shouts "com on", th playrs in class 4 won th match.th match was ovr. how wondrful th match was!
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