actrss chn hao was namd th most bautiful woman in china by an onlin poll.mainland actrss chn hao has bn chosn as th most bautiful woman in china in an onlin poll faturing mor than on million votrs.othr idntifis in th top 10 includd yang lan, a tv hostss and ntrprnur, anni yi, a taiwan singr and actrss, and yu dan, a profssor and mdia poll bgan in april and initially faturd 100 candidats from all circls of lif.votrs thn rducd th list to 50, basd on critria including thir rputations, achivmnts, prsonalitis and contributions to th socity, th organizr said.ovr on million popl attndd th onlin poll conductd on, th wb sit rportd. th rsult was dtrmind according to th public vots and th opinions of th jury tam.actrss chn hao, who was namd th most bautiful woman in china by an onlin poll, rcivd th award from huo yang, th vic chairman of th southrn mtropolitan nws.actrss chn hao, who was namd th most bautiful woman in china by an onlin poll, rcivd th award from huo yang, th vic chairman of th southrn mtropolitan nws.
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