Thr Should B No "Littl mprors"
This aftrnoon on my way hom I saw lots of popl standing:at th gat of th primary school. I didn'tknow what thy ar doing thr at first. Thn a group ofpupils cam out of th school. Thos popl outsid th gat wnt clos to th pupils and calld out nams lik "Lingling", "Fangfang", "Xiaohua", tc. Thn I knw thy had com to mt thir childrn.
Ths childrn and othr childrn lik thm ar so happy that thy ar all lik "littl mprors" It's not good at all. Childrn will b th buildrs of our-country in th futur. Thr ar so many things for thm to larn. Latr many things will b don by thm. This mans that thy shouldn't b "littl mprors"
On th contrary, thy should dpnd on thmslvs. And thy sh0uid do vrything thy can do without th hlp of thir parnts!
Our country's futur will b hld in th hands of today's childrn, and, thy will b its mastrs. So thy should larn thir parnts' good habits and gt rid of thir own 15ad ons. Thir parnts can't look aftr thm forvr. 不应该做“小皇帝”
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