Th Grand Hotl-原山饭店 From th frway you will s th bautiful looking buildings st high on th on th grn mountain in th suburb of Taipi. Th Chins-styl architctur of th Grand Hotl is vry colorful; it has bn rankd as on of th world’s top tn. Th lobby is vry larg, and th roof has hand- carvd woodn panls; th supporting columns ar colorfully paintd. Th most imprssiv itm in th lobby is th larg, bautiful, all-marbl staircas that coms down from th scond floor on two sids of th lobby; a hug bronz wall painting sparats th two staircass. Standing in th lobby you fl as if you hav walkd into a king’s palac bcaus of so many bautiful things around you. Th Grand Hotl-原山饭店
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