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How To Treat Disabled People

Living in th world, vryon drams of bing grat and wis. Hav som of us vr dramt of bing a normal prson? I’m sur that all studnts will answr “No”, and you’ll qustion m, “Why do you ask such a silly qustion?” As a mattr of fact, popl who ar disabld just wish that thy thmslvs would on day b a halthy and normal prson as us. Thn how should w trat disabld popl?

How To Treat Disabled People

Th majority of us will claim to show rspct for thm and not to look down upon thm. It is tru. Most popl hav got a shock at thir dilignc. At prsnt, a larg quantity of th blind is larning th traditional Chins tratmnt, such as massag and acupunctur. And aftr opning a shop, thy can usually gt wll paid. Som popl without arms hav larnd writing with thir ft. What’s mor, popl with a moving handicap can do work vry wll, vn if thy can only mov thir had and mouth. Not to mntion Hawking for xampl. So far as I know, not long bfor it is rportd such two prsons. Both of thm do vry wll in computr. On is a girl, who is just round twnty yars. With a pn in hr mouth, sh maks Flash. In spit of hr disability, sh still gts tns of thousands yuan pr month. Th othr is a forty-yar-old man. H manags th computr as wll as th girl. Anyway h has succdd in making a programm, which rcordd his own languag.

Nvr is th way for disabld popl to succss asy. Apart from hard work, thy nd spcial patinc and will, which ar th ky to succss. Oftn w’r movd by thir xprincs. Thn w will rspct thm and hlp thm.

As th god sms as if not qual to disabld popl, w should hlp thm. Som day whn you mt a blind prson in th strt, go to hlp him/ hr cross th strt or show him/ hr th way; som day whn you mt a disabld prson in a bus, giv your sat to him/ hr; som day you mt a disabld bggar, offr him som mony; som day whn you talk with a disabld prson, ncourag him/ hr and lt him/ hr know th world is still bautiful. Not only should w trat disabld popl qually, but vn mor wll!

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