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The Danger of Fake Commodities(伪劣产品的危害),The Danger of

Th Dangr of Fak Commoditis(伪劣产品的危害) Th Dangr of Fak Commoditis

The Danger of Fake Commodities(伪劣产品的危害),The Danger of

Today, fak commoditis ar quit common. In ordr to gt high profits, som factoris and companis produc fak commoditis. Anothr caus of this phnomnon is that laws ar not strict nough. Fak commoditis can bring about grat loss to both stat and privat proprty. A cas in point is that if a consumr buys som fak mdicin h will invitably suffr much pain. Th fak mdicin may vn cost his lif. So vry on of us has th duty to fight against fak commoditis for our socity and for ourslvs. 伪劣产品的危害


Th Dangr of Fak Commoditis(伪劣产品的危害)


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