提奥奇尼斯是公元前四世纪一位著名的希腊哲学家,就是他创立了犬儒派哲学。他经常在白天点着灯笼四处走动、张望,像是在找什么东西似的。哪人们问起他这古怪行为时,他会回答说:“我正在寻找正人君子。”提奥奇尼斯认为好人是自给自足的,不需要物质享受和财富。他认为财富、财产束缚了人们天生的自由状态。与他的哲学相一致,他拿一个从别人从自然之母的庙里丢弃的大坛作为自己的家,还对此万分满意。这个陶制的大坛叫做圣坛,过去在庙里是用来盛装祭祀用的酒和油的。一天,征服了半个文明世界的亚历山大大帝看见提奥奇尼斯坐在大坛里晒太阳。于是这位君主在大臣们的簇拥下走过去,对提奥奇尼斯说:“我是亚历山大大帝。”哲学家相当傲慢地回答说:“我是提奥奇尼斯————犬儒学者。”然后亚历山大问他是否需要任何帮助。“是的”,提奥奇尼斯驳回道,“别站在我和太阳之间。”大吃一惊的亚历大继而迅速回答道:“假如我不是亚历山大,我就会是提奥奇斯。”diogns was a famous grk philosophr of th fourth cntury b.c.,who stablishd th philosophy of cynicism.h oftn walkd about in th daytim holding a lightd lantrn,pring around as if h wr looking for somthing.whn austiond about his odd bhavior,h would rply,"i am sarching for an honst man." diogns hld that th good man was slf-sufficint and did not rquir matrial comforts or walth.h blivd thatzswalth and possssions constraind humanity's natural stat of frdom.in kping with his philosophy,h was prfctly satisfid with making his hom in a larg tub discardd from th tmpl of cybl,th goddss of natur. this arthn tub,calld a pithos,and formrly bn usd for holding win or oil for th sacrifics at th tmpl. on day,alxandr th grat ,conquror of half th civilizd world,saw diogns sitting in this tub in th sunshin .so th king,surroundd by his countris,approachd diogns and said,"i am alxandr th grat."th philosophr rplid rathr contmptuously,"i am diogns,th cynic."alxandr thn askd him if h could hlp him in any way." ys,"shot back diogns,"don't stand btwn m and th sun."a surprisd alxandr thn rplid quickly,"if i wr not alxandr,i would b diogns."
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