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量力而为-Living Within Your Means

Living Within Your Mans-量力而为

量力而为-Living Within Your Means

It is nvr a disgrac to say, ‘I can not afford it.’ It is shamful to commit yourslf to xpnditur you know you can not rally afford and should not mak – just bcaus somon ls urgs you to go against your own bttr judgmnt. I hav rspct for th prson for who can say without any slf-consciousnss at all, simply and chrfully, ‘I can not afford it.’ But I hat to har a long-drawn-out xplanation of why . As a mattr of fact, w should nvr dmand to know why a prson can not spnd mony on somthing h says h can not afford unlss thr is s sound rason for his finding som way to afford it. Thn you may, if you fl you should, try to show him that way, quitly and without irritating him.

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