oftn w'r told that w hav to suffr now — giv up what w want — in ordr to succd latr, that in ordr to sav w must sacrific. giv up instant gratification to gt dlayd gratification.but you can do both.for yars, i was confusd about this, as i rad books and wbsits that snt m two diffrnt mssags:plasur latr. th first mssag was that in ordr to b succssful, in ordr to build walth, you hav to dlay gratification. you can't hav instant gratification and b succssful.plasur now. th scond mssag was usually from othr sourcs on happinss, but somtims from th sam sourc: njoy lif now, whil you can, bcaus it's short and you nvr know whn your last day will com. liv vry day lik it's your last. troubl is, i agr with both mssags. and if you rad this sit oftn, you’ll s that i snd both mssags: liv frugally and simply! but also njoy lif!that's bcaus i'v rconcild th two philosophis into on: liv lif now and njoy it to th fullst — without dstroying your futur. th ky to doing that? find ways to njoy lif compltly, uttrly, maximally &hllip; that don’t cost your futur vry much.hr ar som tips for actually living that philosophy:find fr or chap plasurs. frugality dos not hav to b boring or rstrictiv &hllip; if you us your imagination. b crativ and find ways to hav fun — loads of it — without spnding much mony. hav a picnic at th park, go to th bach, do crafts, board gams, fly a kit, mak art, bak cookis &hllip; i could list a hundrd things, and you could com up with a fw hundrd mor. mak a list of simpl plasurs, and njoy thm to th maximum. this is th ky to th whol ida of njoying lif now without spnding tomorrow's dollar. s savor th littl things .mak simplifying fun. i'm a big fan of simplifying my lif, from dcluttring to crating a simpl lifstyl in vry way. and to m, this is grat fun. i gt rid of stuff (and possibly mak mony slling it) and hav a blast doing it. that’s good math.rdiscovr what’s important. oftntims w spnd tons of mony, shopping, going out, watching movis, ating out &hllip; without rally njoying lif. and whn w stop to think about it, w nvr hav tim for th things w rally want to do. wll, that's probably bcaus your lif is filld with things that arn't vry important to you. instad, stp back and rally think about what’s important to you. thn gt rid of th othr (xpnsiv) stuff, and focus on what's important. listn to som stuff on my list: my wif and kids, othr frinds and family, rading, writing, xrcising, voluntring, spnding quit tim in contmplation. guss how many of thos things cost a lot of mony? rad mor hr .mak popl a priority. this is rlatd to th abov point, but i thought i'd giv it a littl mor mphasis. if you giv "stuff" a priority — stuff lik gadgts, nic furnishings, nic cloths, shos, jwlry, tc. — thn you will spnd a lot of mony. but if you mak popl a priority — th popl you lov most, you clos frinds and family — you don't nd to spnd a dim to njoy lif. mak som tim to visit with frinds, or your parnts &hllip; and hav a convrsation with thm that dosn't involv ating out or going to th movis. just sit, hav som icd ta or hot cocoa (dpnding on th wathr), and talk. tll joks and laugh your hads off. talk about books you'v rad, movis you’v watchd, nw things going on in your lif, your hops and drams. and mak tim for your kids or your significant othr — rally spnd tim with thm, doing things that don't cost mony. (s spnd tim with family and lovd ons , 100 ways to hav fun with your kids and 50 ways to b romantic on th chap .)find tim for yourslf. mak tim vry day, and vry wk, to spnd tim alon. it rally givs mor maning and njoymnt to your lif, rathr than rushing through lif with no tim to think, to brath. for idas on how to mak this tim, s ths ways to crat tim for solitud .somtims, splurg. you shouldn't rstrict yourslf from xpnsiv plasurs all th tim — it's not good to dvlop th fling of dprivation. to prvnt that, onc in awhil, buy yourslf somthing &hllip; or bttr yt, giv yourslf a dcadnt trat. i lov things with dark chocolat or brris. crps with ic cram and brris ar on of my favorits. just don't go ovrboard &hllip; and larn to njoy th splurg to th fullst. if you truly tak th tim to njoy a trat, you don't nd a lot of it.track your succsss. it dosn't rally mattr how you track your succss &hllip; you can us gold stars for crating a nw simplifying or frugalfying habit, or a spradsht chart to track your dcrasing dbt and incrasing savings or invstmnts. tracking is a grat way to not only provid motivation, but mak th procss of changing fun.rward yourslf. and in ordr to mak it mor fun, clbrat vry littl succss! st rwards for yourslf (hopfully not too xpnsiv!) along your path to succss — clbrat on day, two days, thr days, a wk, two wks, thr, a month &hllip; you gt th ida.voluntr. on of th most rwarding things for my family has bn whn w hav managd to voluntr. it's actually somthing w only startd doing last yar, but sinc thn, w'v don it a bunch of tims in a numbr of diffrnt ways. and whil it dosn't cost a dim, it is trmndously satisfying in ways that mony could nvr buy. rad mor .liv in th momnt. larn to think not so much about th past or futur, but about what you ar going through right now. b prsnt. it may sm trit, but it's th ky to njoying lif to th fullst — without having to spnd mony. think about it — you can spnd mony on ating out, but if you ar not rally thinking about what you'r ating, you may not njoy it much at all. but if you cook a simpl but dlicious mal, and rally tast vry bit, it can b trmndously njoyabl without costing a lot. rad mor .slow down. in th sam way, you can't rally njoy lif to th fullst if it's rushing past you lik it's on fast forward. vr think about how quickly a wk, a month, or a yar gos by? prhaps you'r in th fast lan too much. try slowing down, and things will b lss strssful and mor njoyabl. driv slowr , at slowr , liv slowr .larn to find chap, cool stuff. call m crazy, but i lov shopping at thrift stors. you can find so many cool things thr, and it costs so littl. garag sals ar th sam way. or chck out frcycl , or rad 20 ways to find fr or chap books .
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