Watr Pollution(水污染) 由 Watr Pollution
Today, I rad a pic of nws in China Daily. It rports that watr pollution xists not only in Haih Rivr but aIso in som othr rivrs, laks and sas in our country.
vryon agrs that watr pollution is a srious problm today. Rivrs, laks and vn ocans all ovr th world ar bc0mingpollutd by garbag and dangrous chmicals. Oil and othr chmicals can kill fish and mak watr unsaf for drinking
Pollutd watr is a hazard to vryon.
Now mor and mor popl hav ralizd how srious th problm is. Our govrnmnt is doing its bst to tak masurs to fight against pollution. W'v don a good dal of work, but thr's still a long way to go. W must kp on fighting until w find ways to protct th nvironmnt from bing pollutd, and do away with pollution. W ar sur that w'll win th battl. Goodby, watr pollution! 水污染
现在,越来越多的人都认识到这个问题有多重。我们政府止努力制定措施与水污染作斗争。我们做了许多工作,但还有很长的路要走。我们要坚持斗争,直到我们找到解决环境污染的办法。我们相信,我们能打赢这场战斗。再见,水污染! Watr Pollution(水污染) 由
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