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City and Countryside

City and Countrysid City and Countrysid

City and Countryside

I liv in a big city. But this summr holiday I want to go to th countrysid to rlax.

Th big city is modrn and livly, but thr is much nois, pollution, traffic, and th popl in it ar vry busy. I don’t lik it.

I lik to visit nic and quit countrysid far away from th city. I lik walking whr thr ar no shops, crowds or th tub. Th air is frsh, th watr is clan, th trs ar grn, and th atmosphr is quit. I can boat in th lak, fish and swim in th rivr, climb th hills and pick up th fruit.

I hop that I can go to th countrysid. That will b vry intrsting and halthy.

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