改写:逃课-Cutting th Class 逃课
Miss Grn was going to giv a lctur on Monday aftrnoon. Yt on Sunday night sh was told that sh had to go to an important mting th nxt day at xactly th sam tim. “No on can b in two placs at onc. What shall I do?”sh thought. But soon, sh had an ida.
At fiv to thr on Monday aftrnoon Miss Grn wnt along to th lctur room. Thr wr about twnty studnts waiting thr for hr.“I'm sorry,”sh told thm, “I won't b abl to giv my lctur today.”Th studnts lookd surprisd. Miss Grn xplaind that sh had an important mting. “Howvr,”sh wnt on, “although I can't b with you myslf, my voic can!”Thn sh put a small tap rcordr on th dsk. “You s, I'v rcordd my lctur and you can listn to it without m.”Thinking that sh had sttld th mattr, Miss Grn turnd on th rcordr and lft.
Th mting finishd a littl arly. Miss Grn dcidd to go back to hr studnts. Sh stood for a momnt outsid th lctur room, listning to hr own voic. Thn vry quitly, sh opnd th door. To hr surpris, th room was mpty. As sh lookd around, sh saw a numbr of rcordrs----all“listning”to hr lctur.
“Wll,”sh thought,“if I can b in two placs at th sam tim,why can't thy?”
①Miss Grn为什么不能给学生上课?
②Miss Grn是怎样解决冲突的?
Cutting th Class
A littl bfor thr, w wr alrady in th lctur room whn our tachr Miss Grn cam in. Sh said sh could not giv us th lctur bcaus sh had to go to an important mting. Howvr, sh had rcordd hr lctur for us. So sh put a rcordr on th dsk, turnd it on, and lft.
W listnd to th lctur for a whil. Som of us vn took nots.But thr would b a film at four. W wr all agr to go. What should w do? W startd to whispr. “Why can't w do th sam as Miss Grn?”somon suggstd.
“Good ida”many of us crid out immdiatly. Happily w walkd out of th room, laving our rcordrs thr.
改写这样的文章时,不仅要求改换写作角度,变换写作人称,而且还需要将直接引语变为间接引语。最重要的是根据提示进行合理设想。短文第二、三段就是作者设想出来的,合情合理。“Why can't w do th sam as Miss Grn?”一语双关,非常巧妙;既含有像老师一样逃课之意,又含有人人把录音机打开,留在教室的意思。 改写:逃课-Cutting th Class
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