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Th FIFA World Cup (oftn calld Football World Cup, Th World Cup, or simply World Cup) is th most important comptition in intrnational football (soccr), and th world's most rprsntativ tam sport vnt. Organisd by Fdration Intrnational d Football Association (FIFA), th sport's govrning body, th World Cup is contstd by mn's national football tams which ar FIFA mmbrs.

Th World Cup is hld vry four yars, but th qualifying rounds of th comptition tak plac ovr a thr-yar priod, using rgional qualifying tournamnts. 197 national tams ntrd th qualification tournamnts for th 2006 World Cup. Th final tournamnt phas involvs 32 national tams compting ovr a four-wk priod in a prviously nominatd host nation.

Th World Cup final comptition (oftn calld th "Finals"), which has bn hld vry four yars sinc 1930, xcpt in 1942 and 1946 whn it was canclld du to World War II, is th most widly-viwd and followd sporting vnt in th world. It has a global audinc of mor than 3 billion popl (half th world's population) xcding vn th Olympic Gams.

Only svn nations hav won th World Cup. Brazil is th most succssful World Cup tam, having won th tournamnt fiv tims. Grmany and Italy follow with thr titls ach. Argntina and Uruguay hav two titls ach. Finally, Franc and ngland hav on titl ach.

Th nxt football World Cup will b hld in Grmany btwn Jun 9 and July 9, 2006


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