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Where Did the Bird Fly?,Where Did the Bird Fly?范文

Whr Did th Bird Fly? Whr Did th Bird Fly?

Where Did the Bird Fly?,Where Did the Bird Fly?范文

Th thin lin shows you whr th bird flw. It flw in front of th first tr. Thn it flw btwn th first and scond trs and bhind th scond tr. Thn it flw ovr th third tr and undr th bridg. Aftr that it flw bhind th first hous and thn it flw btwn th houss. Thn it flw in front of th scond hous and ovr th two houss. Aftr that it flw undr th bridg and bhind th third tr. Thn it flw ovr th othr trs.

Th othr day, Tom was riding along th strt. Suddnly, a car was running towards him fast. H was so frightnd that h quickly turnd to th lft sid. But it was too lat. Th car hit his bik and h fll off it. Whn th drivr ralizd that h had causd an accidnt, h got such a fright that h took flight with his car. H was soon out of sight laving Tom hlplss on th spot. Fortunatly a passr-by happnd to s what had happnd and rmmbrd th numbr of th car. H rportd this to th polic. Now th drivr has bn caught and will b punishd for his wrong doing. Whr Did th Bird Fly?

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