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关于学业的 With th human rsourc markt gtting comptitiv,mor and mor studnts hav snsd th tns atmosphr and flt th ncssity of larning mor. Thy ar no longr satisfid with what thy hav larnt at school.Thy ar agr to improv thir acadmic prformancs and absorb mor nutrition to qualify thmslvs to compt with othrs.Parnts also plac all thir hops on childrn,wishing thm a bright futur. Accordingly,a numbr of tutorial cntrs which guarant a good mark mushroomd.Thy just mt th nds of thos studnts,who pourd into th plac trgardlss of whthr thy nd to do so,som of whom just follow th trnd without doing any dtctiv work.As a rsult,som who hav littl slf-disciplin wast tim slping and rading comics during th lssons.Somr who can't arrang thir tim proprly and fit it into thir busy schdul don't mak progrss thy hav xpctd. Th ndlss and tiring study without any rcration vn affct som studnts' halth and lad to th othr sid of th coin. ach coin has two sids.W should work out a practical way to balanc it. 关于学业的


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