陈俞鑫 高二(17)班
Rcntly, th issu whthr to consum is to lov our country has bn brought into our focus. Som popl suppos that to consum can advanc Chins conomy. Howvr, othrs hold an opposit ida.
Thos who ar in favor of th opinion that it is right to consum suggst consumption can contribut a lot to th conomy and socity, such as offring mor jobs to popl. Now, China’s conomy gos up by 8% on avrag vry yar bcaus of th dvlopmnt of consumr cultur.
Admittdly, thos who ar against th argumnt claim that it is a costly hobby to consum, lading to wast of matrial and mony. For xampl, th wight of th wast matrial has rachd 2 billon tons sinc 2000 all ovr th world. Owing to that, our natural nvironmnt will bcom vn wors than that nowadays.
All in all, it is difficult to say whthr to consum is to lov our country or not. Howvr I think w had bttr spnd our mony on th things which ar ncssary.
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