Th Fox and th Graps-狐狸和葡萄
Som of th storis w know and lik ar many hundrds of yars old. Among thm ar Asop’s fabls. A fabl is a short story mad up to tach a lsson. Most fabls ar about animals. In thm animals talk. Many of our common sayings com from fabls. “Sour Graps” is on of thm. It coms from th fabl “Th Fox and th Graps.” In th story a fox saw a bunch of graps hanging from a vin. Thy lookd rip and good to at. But thy wr rathr high. H jumpd and jumpd, but h could not rach thm. At last h gav up. As h wnt away h said. “Thos graps wr sour anyway.” Now w say, “Sour Graps!” whn somon prtnds h dos not want somthing h trid to gt but couldn’t.
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