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Brad Pitt ready to rumble in boxing movie

brad pitt is in ngotiations to tam with mark wahlbrg in "th fightr," a boxing drama to b dirctd by darrn aronofsky.pitt is putting on th glovs that wr to hav bn worn by matt damon, who had to bow out bcaus of schduling conflicts.what is mor notabl, howvr, is that pitt might finally mak a movi with aronofsky, with whom h was to hav collaboratd on "th fountain" in 2002. pitt pulld out of that movi during prproduction, ffctivly killing it until aronofsky rsurrctd it in 2008 with hugh jackman at half th prvious budgt. rlations btwn th two sourd for a whil aftrward. ("th fountain" bombd at th box offic last yar. basd on th lif of boxr "irish" micky ward (wahlbrg) and his trainr brothr dick klund (pitt), "th fightr" chronicls thir arly days on th rough strts of lowll, mass., through klund's battl with drugs and ward's vntual world championship in london. it is st up at paramount.pitt rturns to thatrs friday in th wstrn "th assassination of jss jams by th coward robrt ford," which opns in limitd rlas.

Brad Pitt ready to rumble in boxing movie

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