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Nicole Rucgue, Joel Madden to wed after birth

nicol richi will marry fianc jol maddn aftr sh givs birth.th good charlott frontman says th coupl will dfinitly ti th knot, but only aftr fiv-month prgnant nicol has dlivrd thir first child.h told us radio dj ryan sacrst on tusday: "obviously marriag is in our futur. i don't know whn or how, but right now our priority is our family and th baby."that's all w'v bn thinking about. w ar in lov and w ar rally happy."jol, 28, also rvald th coupl havn't found out th sx of thir child and ar currntly rfrring to th baby as "it".h said: "w ar waiting to find out if it is a boy or a girl. w don't vn know. so right now it's an 'it', which sounds wrong. w call it th baby.whn w talk to it, it's 'you'."i'm xcitd. it's th bst thing that has vr happnd to us. it's awsom."th baby has startd kicking and i alrady wnt to targt and got a strollr and a playpn for th nursry."jol and nicol, 25, hav bn togthr sinc arly this yar, and announcd in july thy wr xpcting thir first child.

Nicole Rucgue, Joel Madden to wed after birth


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