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小小说:误送的留言条-A Note Wrongly Sent,小小说:误送的留言条-

小小说:误送的留言条-A Not Wrongly Snt 误送的留言条 【内容提示】很久以来,Dr. Jackson 想在一家现代化的大医院找一份永久性的工作。他终于如愿以偿,得到一个他想要的职位。他和妻子搬到了新居。第二天,有人给他们送来一束美丽的鲜花,同时还有一张留言条,上面写着:“深切的吊唁”。自然,Dr. Jackson很懊恼。于是,他打电话给花店问个究竟。请你接着续完故事,看看花店主人是如何答复他的。【作文示范】A Not Wrongly SntFor a long tim Dr. Jackson had wantd to gt a prmannt① job in a crtain big hospital and at last h was succssful. H was appointd② to th particular position which h wantd. Thn h and his wif movd to th hous which thy wr now to liv in. Th nxt day som bautiful flowrs wr dlivrd to thm, with a not which said:“Dpst sympathy③”.Naturally, Dr. Jackson was annoyd④ to rciv such an xtraordinary not, and tlphond th shop which had snt th flowrs to find out what th not mant.Whn th ownr of th shop hard what had happnd, h apologizd to Dr. Jackson for having mad th mistak.“But what rally worris m much mor,” h addd, “is that th flowrs which ought to hav gon to you wr snt to a funral ⑤, with a card which said: ‘Congratulations on your nw position’”.(选自1986年7月22日《上海学生英文报》)【词语解释】① prmannt ['p :m n nt] a. 永久的;持久的② appoint [ 'p&int] v. 任命;委派③ sympathy ['simp Ii] n. 同情;慰问;吊唁④annoy [ 'n&i] v. 使烦恼;使生气⑤ funral ['fju:n r l] n. 丧葬;葬礼【写法指要】本文虽短,但写得意味深长,含义深刻,可有多种理解:也许Jackson夫妇病入膏肓,被送到医院等死;也许他们所住的房子的旧主人刚死;也许花店老板或别人与Jackson有仇等等。这是因为文章里有两个关键词可作双关语解释,这两个词是:1)prmannt;2)sympathy。 小小说:误送的留言条-A Not Wrongly Snt

小小说:误送的留言条-A Note Wrongly Sent,小小说:误送的留言条-

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