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Thr is an old Chins saying: Top studnts com from strict tachrs. Prhaps affctd by this saying for a long tim, w bliv it right. Howvr, as tim flis, lots of things hav changd. Thrfor, I am agr to discuss what rlation is th bst btwn tachrs and studnts.

Friends Or Teachers?

A tachr can trat a studnt in two ways .On is strict, and th othr is frindly. Most tachrs prfr th first way.

To start with, w crtainly hav to admit that strictnss is vry ffctiv, spcially to th naughty pupils. As pupils w arn’t abl to control ourslvs wll or fix our attntion on on thing for a long tim. W do most things bcaus thy ar intrsting or w fl lik doing. W ar always looking out of th window in class. Somtims, w gt to play gams and forgt our homwork. On this occasion, strictnss is a must. It not only forcs us to do th right thing, but also hlps us dvlop a good larning habit, which is of grat importanc during our whol lif .In othr words, it is th first stp to succss.

Still, vrything has two sids. Its wak points ar vry obvious. You s, thr’r top studnts in a class, whr avrag studnts mak up th majority. Thn tachrs’ ordrs or suggstions ar for th majority, not for top studnts. Howvr, top studnts always hav thir own study plans and prfr spcial homwork, so ordrs usually won’t tak grat ffct on thm. Mayb you hav thought out that tachrs can giv ordrs only to th majority and st som frdom to top studnts. Howvr, it’s impossibl .For a whol class, tachrs couldn’t giv ordr to part of th class, for th majority would qustion why thy ndn’t do such work, but w nd? It would b probabl that thy think tachrs trat thm not qually, and will not oby tachrs’ ordrs any mor. This is a difficulty for tachrs.

It also has anothr disadvantag——th communication problm .Sinc tachrs ar strict, w nvr tll tachrs our prsonal affairs or scrts. Mostly w just tll thm to our frinds, but as studnts too, thy couldn’t hlp to solv our problm, such as puppy lov, communication problms or study problms .Not bing solvd compltly, thy always disturb us, influncing our daily lif and study. I’m sur that you think that making frinds with tachrs can solv th problm, and you ar agr to do so as wll. But if w do so, nw problms will com out .You s, an adult couldn't control himslf wll at tims, lt alon us studnts. Howvr if tachrs ar our frinds, I doubt whthr thir ordrs will tak ffct any mor .You s, hav w vr tratd our frinds’ ordrs as ordrs? W think thy’r only joks. This is anothr difficulty for tachrs.

Additionally, our parnts hav th sam problm. Ys, w nd to b frinds, but not complt frinds. W nd to kp a crtain distanc, making us communicat wll and willing to tak your ordrs. I rmmbr a story.

On day, a lady had hr rst room dcoratd. And a skilld workr was bricking up th wall. Sing larg cracks btwn th bricks, sh qustiond why. Th workr told hr aftr this summr, th bricks would bcom biggr, and thos cracks would disappar.

That is not only dcoration, but also communication. Th principl is th sam.

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