下面三幅图体现的是学生的课外学习、课余活动和社会实践活动三个方面的课外生活。请根据每幅图的内容,写一篇题为My Out-of-class Activitis的短文,并分别写出你的感受(或收获)以及你对整个课外生活的看法。
My Out-of-class Activitis
My spar tim is full of intrsting activitis. I rad all kinds of books in th rading-room whnvr I hav tim. I larn a lot mor in th library than in class in this way. Sports and gams kp m halthy and strong nough to dal with all difficultis. Among all gams, vollyball is my favourit. I oftn play vollyball with my classmats. Somtims I go in for social practic with my classmats outsid school. For xampl, w go to plant trs in spring. In this way, I gain a lot of social xprinc and lam to work for th good of th socity.
Out-of-class activitis ar quit ncssary fur us studnts. Trirough ths activitis w can lam many things that can t b larnd in class.
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