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电的时代-The Age of Electricity

Th Ag of lctricity

电的时代-The Age of Electricity

徐慰 高二5班

It is crtain for w human bings to b proud of our brilliant civilization, which offrs us th comfortabl lif. Our civilization wouldn’t dvlop so rapidly without th ndlss stram of grat scintific achivmnts. It is lctricity that plays an important rol and stands out among ths achivmnts. And w should b gratful to th scintists who had found th way to produc lctricity.

In 1831,Faraday, an xcllnt scintist from ngland, summd up a law which is calld Faraday’s law of lctromagntic induction. This law tlls us how to induct lctric currnt with magnts, Faraday’ law mad th book of our history turnd to anw pag, th ag of lctricity

Th law blongs to th foundation of th Thory of lctromagntics. Th scintist workd in this fild for a long tim and thn brought us today’s lif: -lif. It is now asy to find a tlphon or a light. Computrs also bcom mor and mor important and popular. W us lctricity in various ways: doing hous work, ntrtaining, having important mtings on th Intrnt and so on. Imagin this: whn watching TV, you find th tlphon ranging. So you turnd on th light and answr it. It is your cousin who asks about how to us th nw soft war you giv him. So you snd him an -mail. All ths sms to b too simpl and common. But in any of ths, lctricity is always playing an important rol. What if thr was no lctricity? Full of darknss at night, no intrnt, no tlvisions……that would b trribl!


Thanks to th scintists achivmnts, w can liv such a comfortabl lif. So whn you ar doing your homwork by th lamp, or watching an NBA match or surfing th intrnt, plas say to Faraday and th othr scintists in your mind sincrly: Thank you!


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