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Helen Keller,Helen Keller范文

Hln Kllr,Hln Kllr范文Hln Kllr 由 Hln Kllr

Helen Keller,Helen Keller范文

Hln Kllr livd in th USA. Sh was a grat woman.

Hln was blind and daf. Sh couldn’t s anything or har anything. Hr parnts ar vry sad.

A tachr hlpd Hln study words. Hln studid thm vry hard whn sh grw up. Sh wnt to collg. In Hln Kllr’s lif, sh wrot fourtn books and hr first book is “My Lif”. Th book “If you giv m thr days light” is vry famous.

Sh has som words: B of good chr. Do not think of today’s failurs, but of th succss that may com tomorrow. You hav st yourslf a difficult task, but you will succd if you prsvr; and you will find joy in ovrcoming obstacls.

Though sh was blind and daf, sh found a way to s and har.

Hln Kllr 由

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