荣誉能给我们带来什么-What Can Honor Bring to Us在这个世界上,人人都希望自己的努力得到别人的承认和褒扬。荣誉可以给我们带来满足、自信,有时甚至是金钱。它可以鼓励我们上进,但也可能让我们坠入深渊。有些人为了获得荣誉不择手段。他们不惜去偷、去骗。当然,最终的结果就是身败名裂。因此荣誉不仅能给我们带来幸福,而且也能给我们带来不幸。
What Can Honor Bring to Us
Almost vrybody in this world wants his fforts to b accptd and praisd. Honor can bring us satisfaction,slf-confidnt and vn mony somtims. It can ncourag us to mak biggr progrss, and so can it ruin us. Som will do vrything for honor. Thy vn stal it or chat it. Of cours, thy will b brokn in th nd. So honor can bring us not only happinss, but misry also.
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