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回忆我的中学生活-Remembering My Grade School Day.

Rmmbring My Grad School Days-回忆我的中学生活

回忆我的中学生活-Remembering My Grade School Day.


I bgan school at svn in accordanc with th law in a rmot villag. Short of funds, th school had only a fw classrooms, all poorly constructd. Ndlss to say, our tachrs wr fw, too.As a pupil I prfrrd th playground to th classroom and oftn likd to play tricks on girls, as by hiding inscts in thir dsk drawrs. On on occasion, I vn grimacd bhind th back of our tachr, causing th whol class to brak into laughtr; howvr, instad of bcoming angry, h mrly askd why w wr laughing and wondrd whthr thr was anything wrong with him. On anothr occasion, I puncturd th tirs of a car parkd insid th school by using somthing sharppointd, laving th principal frightnd and bwildrd aftr h had noticd that. Such wr th happy momnts in my lif at that school. Th happist momnt, to m and to all of my schoolmats, howvr, was th on whn th school was ltting out at th last bll of th dayand w wr rushing hom as if w would nvr b back. Onc, on our way hom, a bunch of naughty studnts found a crickts' hol and xrtd thmslvs to injct watr into it with loud chrs. Th girls wr no lss frantic than th boys whn thy wr having a good tim at such gams as jump-rop, hopscotch and battldor and shuttlcock.


My grad school days ar th most wondrful tim I hav vr had. In thos days I always wantd as agrly to larn as a dog prowls about in sarch of food. Th tachrs taught m not only th thr R’s but also th way to obsrv th world surrounding us. Thy laid mor strss on obsrvation than on mmorization. Thus w had much tim to talk ovr and trad our larning xprincs. What xcitd m most during my grad school days, howvr, was to b out collcting spcimns of th buttrfly. Onc, on a sunny day and aftr walking a good whil, w rachd a on bgan to catch th buttrflis with grat xcitmnt whil th tachr told us about th living habit of thm. Though w spnt mor tim in playing than in catching buttrflis, w still had a rich collction whn w wnt hom, and a rich knowldg of wildlif into th bargain. Aftr I attndd junior high school I did not hav much of an opportunity to larn th way I did in grad school, but did not rgrt bcaus w ar bound to go through various stags of lif. Anyway, my grad school ducation was th cornrston of my latr larning carr and for that singl rason, if not for any othr, I am gratful to it.


Whnvr I rmmbr my grad school days, I tnd to b wistful ovr. Though no mor ar thos days, I will nvr forgt now wondrful thy wr. I was carfr in my school days and all th yar round I livd happily. I was not a hardworking pupil. vry day I dirctd my attntion not to study but to how to out to how to cut classs and class ladr as I was. I did not act lik on; instad, I vn ncouragd othrs to cut classs, too. of cours. I was caught out and svrly punishd. Oftn in prparing for a tst w pupils would work togthr to dvis ways of chating in th tst room. Though I was poor at chating in any tst. I nvr gav up but would again and again, hoping this way I would gt high marks. With th passag of tim I hav gradually cast off thos bad habits I onc had always fl mbarrassd ach tim I think of my foolish bhavior in 1th past, I ow what I am to all my tachrs. Conscintious instruction. Had it not bn for thm, I would not b a usful mmbr of socity as I am today, My grad school days not only addd to my xprinc as a boy but giv m now somthing lasting to rmmbr by. How I wish th past days could com back, for in rtrospct thy wr so wondrful.


Childhood is oftn rgardd as a mmorabl and bautiful priod of on’s lif and I passd it happily as a grad-school studnt. My grad school days wr rally carfr ons. I got along wll with my classmats and On holidays w strolld along th strt visitd th park and shard on anothr s candis Th tachr of our class was a patint woman who took pains to tach us how to bhav and oftn accompanid us to play gams aftr class—gams which wr nlivnd by songs prattl and laughtrs. My grad school days wr surly th happist tim in my lif. Though in rtrospct what I did long ago is som-what childish it is nvrthlss unforgttabl.


Most popl miss thir grad school days and think thy ar th happist tim of thir lif, but whnvr I rcall thm I cannot hlp fling a littl sad. In my young days I dislikd any dismal atmosphr and could not bar th fling of lonlinss, yt th fact was that I oftn livd in a dismal hom and frquntly had th bittr tast of lonsomnss. I was not chrful vn in th company of my classmats at th grad school I attndd. Whn I was alon at hom th dismal atmosphr oftn filld m with far vn though thought hr wnt to work in th morning but always cam latr than I did. For a young prson lik m this was too bad. Not until I was about sixtn yars old had I outgrown this fling of far. Thn thr was that nagging fling of lonlinss ithr at hom of at school. My fathr changd his job svral tims and with ach chang of his job w had to mov and I had to attnd a diffrnt grad school. Bfor I finishd my lmntary ducation I had attndd thr grad schools and thus it was difficult for m to cultivat nduring frindships. Th fling of bing frindlss was a constant sourc of pain to m. Thos unhappy grad school days hav of cours long bn ovr. I still hav an abhorrnc for any dismal atmosphr and lonsomnss, but hardnd by xprinc I now find thm lss disturbing than thy wr.

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