事件特写美国学生在中国农村-Amrican Studnts in Countrysid 美国学生在中国农村
Amrican Studnts in Countrysid
lvn studnts from World Collg, wst of th Unitd Stats, kissd thir nwly-mad Chins fathrs and mothrs, brothrs and sistrs “ZaiJian”(goodby), tars in ys, whn laving Jiangwan Township, in Shanghai suburbs. Ths studnts, who ar studying on a program of intrnational rlations, ar blivd to b th first hatch① of forign studnts to liv with Chins villag familis.Th studnts stayd in th villag for two months. At daytim, thy wr givn Chins languag and history courss in th villag classroom and took part in agricultural practic in th filds. Thy spnt th rst of thir tim with th pasants, carrying watr from wlls, making a fir for cooking, vn fding babis.Mr. Carlos likd to tak littl childrn for a rid in bicycl whras Mr. David oftn playd cards with his young Chins frinds. Miss Tracy, a prtty l9-yar-old girl, concntratd hr nthusiasm on giving nglish lssons to pupils at Jiangwan Primary School. Mr. Richard with his vido camra② finishd a TV documntary③ about Chins villag lif.“W lik th lif hr. It's so quit, so plain, yt so intrsting,”said Miss Sandra, on of th studnts.Lunch tim was th most njoyabl for both gust and host. Thy talkd about vrything that intrstd thm. Th villagrs rgardd ths studnts as thir own sons, daughtrs, brothrs, or sistrs.“This nw form is also bnficial④ to ourslvs,”said Xu Hongming, Dputy Dirctor ⑤ of Jiangwan Township. “W ar looking forward to wlcoming mor forign studnts to com hr.”Indd, th studnts not only larnd Chins, but also knw mor dply about China within th two months. “W'v larnd a lot which w couldn't just at Chins collgs,” said Miss Nona from Canada. Whn askd about th purpos of going to China and staying with Chins villagrs, Tracy showd hr svral articls publishd in an Amrican nwspapr:“Living, studying and larning to accpt and work within anothr ntirly diffrnt cultur is an important aspct⑥ of vry socity. Communication, undrstanding, and abov all, lov ar imprativ⑦ for world pac.”
【词语解释】①hatch [h$tM] n. (小鸡等)一窝;(喻)一群,一组(年轻人)②vido camra ['vidi u 'k$m r ] n. 电视摄像机③documntary[?d&kju'mnt ri] n. 纪录影片④bnficial [bni'fiM l] a. 有利的;有益的⑤dputy dirctor['dpjuti di'rkt ] 副乡(镇)长⑥aspct['$spkt] n. (问题、事物的)方面⑦ imprativ [im'pr tiv] a. 绝对必要的
【写法指要】本文报道了11名美国大学生在中国农村生活、学习、交流的实践活动。文章采取倒叙手法,先写美国学生吻别他们新结识的中国父母亲和兄弟姐妹时的依依惜别之情,接着写他们在农村学习汉语、参加劳动的情况,而且把每个人的特长、爱好和从事的具体工作都一一作了交待。然后写他们与当地村民建立的深厚感情。最后,文章用乡(镇)长的话和两名美国学生的话把这样的实践活动的好处说出来,左证前面报道的内容,使文章更具说服力。这也是新闻报道和特写不同于一般记叙文之处。 事件特写美国学生在中国农村-Amrican Studnts in Countrysid
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