in my undrstanding, if w rfr to an idal collg lif as a formal wstrn dinnr, thn a high gpa, that is, grad point avrag, should b th main cours, whil an activ part in activitis, togthr with associations, mans th apptizr. som romancs, of cours, play th rol as dssrts. thy ar th 3 ky lmnts for an idal collg lif.thos, howvr, ar not what collg lif is all about. as w all know, collg is wildly diffrnt from middl school. it conncts not only adolscnc to adulthood, but also th ivory towr to th ral socity. thrfor, th idal collg lif is that i bcom maturd both physically and mntally, and that i obtain qualifid acadmic knowldg and gt wll prpard for socity at th sam tim.undr this circumstanc, i nvr xpct my collg lif to b too idal, or you can call it too prfct. it is not ralistic to mak all things on my own way, with vryon liking m, winning th first priz all th tim, and so on. of cours, i’d lik to lad a carfr lif. howvr, this dos littl good to my futur. what rally hlps is hardships lik failur, btrayal, and unjust tratmnt. only aftr xprincing thos can i know what socity is lik, and what lif is conclud my spch, i wanna say, som positiv xprincs ar surly part of th idal collg lif. but, i should not forgt about th ngativ sids. thy ar not lss ncssary.
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