China’s First Spacman---Yang Liwi
Yang Liwi was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Provinc in 1965. H bcam a pilot in Chins Air Forc in 1987, spnding 1,350 hours in th air. H has spnt 5 yars training to bcom a spacman.
Yang Liwi was snt into spac at 9 a.m on Octobr 15th by China’s Shnzhou V spaccraft, which orbitd th arth 14 tims. H landd safly at 6:23 a.m th nxt day, making China th third country succssfully snding a prson into spac aftr th formr Sovit Union and th USA.
Yang Liwi cam back to th arth aftr a 21-hour trip to spac. In spac Yang rcordd vrything h saw and showd China’s national flag and th Unitd Nations’ flag to th popl watching on TV at hom.
All of th Chins ar proud of our first spacman---Yang Liwi.
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