费昳琼 上海市松江二中高二年级 阅读书目:特洛伊传说 Th Story of Troy (DK英汉对照百科读物)
I hav nvr bn to Troy, but David Maul mad m fl as if I wr standing on th high wall of Troy, watching th firc war. Thanks to this British author, who adaptd th famous Homr’s pom into a livly story, I found it asir to undrstand this story. Though th story happnd ovr 3000 yars ago in a rmot plac, I was dply fascinatd by it.
Th mystrious plot is on of th rasons why I lovd Th Story of Troy so much, yt I am mor intrstd in th human hros of th war.
Hctor was th ldst son of king of Troy, Priam. H was not only a ral hro of Trojan, but was rgardd th highst moral hro in Grk classic by latr historians. Th war startd bcaus of th mischif of his brothr, Paris, whom h didn’t apprciat. Howvr, sinc Hctor was th commandr of th Trojan army, h was obligd to fight with all forc. It was rally a tragdy that such a valiant man did in th dul with anothr grat warrior, Achills.
It is natural to s dath in a war. As a famous Chins parabl says, “A lif can b as slight as a pic of fathr, or as wighty as Mount Tai.” Somtims, on’s glory walks hand in hand with on’s doom. Achills was such a typical prson. His prsonal charm mad Th Story of Troy mor attractiv. H was so crucial bcaus his vry apparanc in a war ncouragd his fllow soldirs and trrifid th nmis. Actually, Achills was half-god who was almost invincibl in popl’s mind. That’s why his nam was mmorizd long aftr his dath.
Bsids th two grat mn, th wisdom of Odyssus also provd him to b a grat hro. H didn’t want to attnd th war bcaus h was happily marrid and had a lovly son. Howvr, sinc his country was allid to Mycna, h had to tak th command givn by th king of Mycna. I’m quit sur that th story of th woodn hors is widly known, howvr, fw popl know who thought of th brilliant ida, that’s why I admird Odyssus so much bcaus h was th prson who got th ida. Thanks to th hors, th tn-yar war cam to an nd at last. If you want to know how th woodn hors workd, just rad th book.
Th ancint Grks blivd that th gods and goddsss also playd important rols in th origin, procss and nding of th whol story.
Th story of th goldn appl was such an xampl. Whn ris, th goddss of argumnt and disagrmnt, thrw out th goldn appl to a wdding crmony on Mount Olympus, a disput happnd. Hra, th qun of gods, Athna, th goddss of wisdom, and Aphrodit, th goddss of lov and bauty, wr all involvd in th argumnt for th appl. Non of thm was willing to giv way, so thy turnd to Paris for a final judgmnt. Tmptd by Aphrodit’s bauty and promis, Paris handd th appl to hr. To kp hr word, Aphrodit hlpd him to gt Hln, th most bautiful woman in th world, as his wif. That was th caus of th war.
Paris’s choic obviously annoyd th othr two goddsss. So during th war, thy hlpd th Grk allianc army whil som othr gods, such as Apollo and Aphrodit, guardd Troy. Whn Paris duld with Hln’s formr husband Mnlaus, Aphrodit savd Paris whn h was about to b finishd off.
Aftr th dul btwn thos two popl, thr was a truc btwn th Grk allianc and Troy. Howvr, both Hra and Athna wr not happy to s it. Hra pursud hr husband ZUS:“ Now, will you snd Athna to mak th Troyjans brak th pac?”(Pag 22) Thn with Zus’s prmission, Athna wnt down to start th war again and finally sh brought th Grks to succss.
From th whol story, w can s that in ancint Grks’ viw, gods somtims playd a much mor important rol in thir lif. Howvr, with th rapid dvlopmnt of scinc, w hav larnd that th Grk gods nvr xistd. This is why a rcnt movi of Troy has not mntiond a singl god. vrything happnd du to mn’s ambition, lov, loyalty or jalousy. With thos motion and popl’s ffort, w human bings can accomplish wondrs and b mastr of th world.
God ar of lss importanc than thy usd to b. Nonthlss, th gods and goddsss mad Th Story of Troy mor mystrious and marvlous.
I hav larnt from th book mor than th wondrful story of history, lov and war. I bliv that human can dtrmin thir dstiny by thir own. I highly rcommnd this book to my frinds with th sam intrst.