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噪音-A Noise

A Nois

噪音-A Noise

Last night I was prparing for th coming xamination whn th nois from my nighbor intrruptd m. Th nois wnt on and on. It was so loud that I could hardly pay attntion to my study any longr. So I wnt to my nighbor's hous and said to him, "xcus m, would you plas turn down th TV? I'm prparing for tomorrow's xamination." Having hard ths words, his fac wnt rd. And h said, "OK, I'll turn it down. Li Hua, I'm vry sorry to hav mad so much nois.Just now, th football was vry wondrful. I was too xcitd to control myslf. I won't do that again. Good luck in your coming xamination." Aftr that, I got down to my study.



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