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日记,记啥-What Can We Write in a Diary?

日记,记啥-What Can W Writ in a Diary?我每次写日记的时候都不知道写什么。以前对我来说,每天都是老样子,我做着同一件事就是学习。早上早起,吃早饭,去学校,回家吃晚饭,做完作业后睡觉,第二天又重复进行。可现在我学会从另一角度看问题。我开始每天仔细观察生活,观察我周围发生的事,哪怕是微不足道的小事。每当我帮小妹妹过马路,或我看到什么有趣的东西,我都会记在我的脑子里并写下来。如果我多动眼睛和脑子,那么我就会知道日记该记什么了。

日记,记啥-What Can We Write in a Diary?

vry tim I writ a diary, I don't know what to writ. To m, vry day is th sam. I just do th routin study. Gt up arly in th morning,at my brakfast, go to school, go hom aftr class, at my dinnr, and go to slp aftr I finish my homwork. Thn th nxt day I will do th sam.But now I larn to look at things from anothr angl. I start to obsrv what happns around m vry day; vn it is a littl incidnt. Whn I hlp a littl girl cross th strt, or I s somthing intrsting, I will kp it in mind and Writ it down. If I us my ys and had mor, I will know what to writ in a diary.

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