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Use of Free Time(如何利用空余),Use of Free Time(如何利用

Us of Fr Tim(如何利用空余时间) 【要求】题目:你将参加校园英语讲演比赛。现在需要写出一份简要的底稿,底稿应包含以下基本要点。随着工作时间的缩短,空余时间越来越多了。如何利用空余时间。利用空余时间的益处。题目自拟。【范文】Us of Fr TimSom popl may b so busy that thy nvr hav a spar momnt, but it would b hard to find such popl in contmporary tims. Working hours ar shortr and vacations longr, and thr ar mor and mor ways to spnd th wknds. Asid from ating and slping, what do popl do during th many hours whn thy ar not at work or at school?Us of fr tim oftn discloss much about on's tasts, valus, intrsts and prsonality. What may b on man's lisur, howvr, might b anothr man's work. In lisur hours, som may turn to th humanitis: litratur, magic, art and hr w might also mntion movis and tlvision. Othrs participat in sports, politics, voluntary work or hobbis at hom. Still othrs lik partis, travlling, or just loafing.Obviously, th us of fr tim is a good mans of rlaxation, but its bnfits go byond this. All things popl do in lisur hours nabl thm to gratify thir wishs. This can contribut to intllctual growth and promot social activitis as wll.So th good us of fr tim will mak lif rich, colorful and rwarding.【评语】这篇文章写得很有水平。说理深入浅出,语言丰富晓畅,例证详实,句式灵活多变,使得文章生动并吸引人。开篇用问句,引出下文;结尾点题,总结全文。并且很有文学性。 Us of Fr Tim(如何利用空余时间)

Use of Free Time(如何利用空余),Use of Free Time(如何利用


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