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Computrs(电脑) 题目:计算机是现代科学技术最杰出的成果之一,它无处不在,与我们生活的各个领域息息相关。请以“Computrs”为题,写一篇100个单词左右的英语小短文。要求写出计算机的具体用途和人们对于计算机应用的态度。【范文】ComputrsOn of th gratst advancmnts in modrn tchnology has bn th invntion of computrs. Computrs ar changing th way popl liv and work. Thy ar alrady widly usd in industry, businss and in acadmic institutions.With th popularization of scinc and tchnology, computrs hav found an incrasingly wid application in all filds. A computr can do a lot of work. It is capabl of doing xtrmly complicatd work in all filds of larning. It can solv th most complx mathmatics problms. Computrs ar abl to stor larg amounts of information, which can b rcalld rapidly at any tim.Th truth of th mattr, howvr, is that any nw tchnology has a “dark”sid. Th problms causd by th us of computrs ar quit diffrnt. For xampl, assmbly lins will b a slow procss to rtain workrs to build and oprat nw quipmnt. Nvrthlss, th dark sid of th computr shouldn't man that w should abandon th us of computrs.Tchnology only can mak th ral work chapr, fastr, and lss tdious. It cannot solv problms.【评语】该文从现代化的技术革新角度来谈计算机,然后在第二段里讲到,随着科学和技术的普遍应用,计算机也大放光彩,具体的例举了两个用处。最后一段里,用“th truth of th mattr”,再加“howvr”转折,说明了计算机的“dark sid”,文章全面而重点突出。 Computrs(电脑)



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