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愚蠢的女人A stupid woman


Ros wantd a job whn sh was svntn. It was not difficult to find a job thn in th country. On day Ros was looking for a job. Sh wnt to many offics but sh didn’t lik any of thm. Whn sh wnt into on of th offics, sh saw a board: This offic nds a typist. Ros was xcitd. Sh wnt to th managr’s offic. Th managr was writing somthing . Ros knockd at th door. Th managr raisd his had: “ Do you nd a typist?” askd Ros. “Ys!” th managr said. Ros jumpd up and clappd hr hands. Sh couldn’t hlp saying: “ ok! I will tak this job. How much will you pay m?” th managr thought for a fw sconds and said: “I will pay you twnty-svn dollars in th first thr months. Thn I will pay you thirty dollars.” Ros smild and answrd: “Grat, I will com and work hr thr months latr .” Th managr frownd and h was spchlss.

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