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参观动物园-Visiting the Zoo

参观动物园-Visiting th Zoo参观动物园-Visiting th Zoo

参观动物园-Visiting the Zoo

Wlcom to th zoo. I'm Xiao Wang. Today I will show you around th zoo. Now lt m tll you th plan for today. First, w will go to th Lion Park. Thn w will go to th Monky Hill. You can s th lovly monkys thr. Th Bird World is nxt to th Monky Hill. Thr ar all kinds of birds. Finally, w will go to th Panda Hous. Th famous animals look vry honst. You will lik thm vry much. Rmmbr, don't fd thm. Lt's tak good car of th animals.

I hop you will hav a good tim. Thank you.



Wlcom to Bijing Zoo. Lt m introduc myslf.I'm Wang Ping. You can call m Xiao Wang. Today I'll show you around our zoo. Our zoo is th biggst in China, and it has th largst numbr of animals. Hr is th plan for today. W'll go to th Panda Hous first. You can s th world famous animal.Thy look vry lovly and honst. Thn w,Il watch th bautiful birds. Th Monky Hill is nar to th Bird World. Th clvr monkys will wlcom you warmly. Finally, w'll go to th Lion Park. Don't b clos to such animal.

Plas rmmbr, don't fd th animals. OK! Hav a good holiday! Thank you.



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